Theres further evidence based on quotes they said that they didnt take the Bible seriously, literally, and endorsed the Theory of Evolution. Therefore, roughly 4 out of every 5 verses (81.3%) in one manuscript disagrees in at least one place in the other. Pietersma, Albert and Wright, Benjamin. First, we should reiterate that the differences were talking about here occur in less than 1% of the New Testament. Okay, heres my question for you: which single document that we have contains the complete, inerrant New Testament without any issues at all? The Reasoned Eclecticism theory created the modern Critical Text (NA28/UBS5), which is what most modern New Testaments are based on. Thanks again, giving honor where honor is due. Now, I think they are overstating the case slightly (as youll see when we look at Codex Sinaiticus). You might say, But that wouldnt happen.. But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. In the 10th or 11th century, at least two scribes made corrections to the Codex Vaticanus. The Word of God is truth (Hebrews 4:12; Psalms 18:30; Psalms 19:8; Psalms 119:140; II Samuel 22:31; Proverbs 30:5). In the Gospels alone, Vaticanus has 197 particular readings, while Sinaiticus has 443. I pray you will seek the truth at all costs. I assume the author of this article knows that the Hebrew word in question is also translated correctly every one of them. Not brining this out may have been an error in thorough study, or intentional bias. ), Of the various different version of the Textus Receptus, Scriveners is notable. Apart from a clear indication that such consensus texts were produced by formal recension, it would appear that normal scribal activity and transmissional continuity would preserve in most manuscripts not only a very ancient text, but a very pure line of very ancient text., Source. Im going to re-quote something we looked at earlier. Each textual family (or text type) tends to contain similar readings to other manuscripts in its family, but the readings are different from the readings of other textual families. I currently bounce back and forth between the nkjv and the nasb 95. PROF. JOHN WILLIAM WEVERS (1919-2010). However, it is also important to consider the nature of those differences. It certainly doesnt seem like you take this very seriously. Irenaeus in the 2nd century, though not in Alexandria, made a similar admission on the state of corruption among New Testament manuscripts, yet Irenaeus admits that it was already corrupted within just a few decades of the writing of the Apocalypse, I prefer to judge a work based on its merits, not what the authors, Think of the vile Textus Receptus leaning entirely on late MSS, As soon as the numbers of a minority exceed what can be explained by accidental coincidence, their agreement , A theoretical presumption indeed remains that, Once a variant reading appears in a manuscript, it doesnt simply go away. Why would Peter suddenly be talking about the Bible? Obviously not! Textus Receptus, the manuscript tradition behind the KJV and many other Bibles, reads ho monogens huios. Between these extremes, a medium or vulgate text exists. Get the free IP.Board App for iPhone now! Clearly, its the judgements that are enduring, not the word. You will stand and give account for spreading the lies that you and these so-called scholars have preached as the truth. Not only is the parallel between NT transmissional history and that of Homer striking, but the same situation exists regarding the works of Hippocrates. Do you have a source for the first one? Its simplicity itself, but under-girding that simplicity is profound sophistication. Coming from a KJV is the preserved words of God or as close as anyone has it in English AND holding a confessional position in regard to that, I find it refreshing to discover a critic who concedes and is open about the KJVs unique eclecticism in its origins as opposed to the usual inaccurate treatment of it as wholly Majority Text as opposed to mainly Majority Text with reasoned deviations. It literally broke my heart and almost devastated my faith in Bible translations. (almost perfect, and with small changes in word order for improved readability): But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressionsit is by grace you have been saved. Amazing . Who wouldnt want to have a Bible in which nothing was corrupt? As silver tried in a furnace on the earth, refined seven times. Among the existing manuscripts of the New Testament, there are three major divisions based on their content. So its possible that without the south and east falling to the Muslims and the West turning to Latin, the majority of manuscripts wouldnt be of a Byzantine Text type. The second is the comparison of the Masoretic text to the Greek translation called the Septuagint (or LXX), which was written around 200-150 B.C. I wonder if you have heard of Ivan Panin? This video covers a subject that can be strongly debated among some Christians. Heres Dan Wallace arguably the most respected New Testament textual critic alive today talking about one of our oldest manuscripts, specifically Codex Alexandrius. I lead a mens Bible study which is currently discussing truth and questions came up over the parenthetical thought in 1 Tim 2:7 ( vs ). (Please read John 15:5, 7, I Pet.1:23, 2 Pet.1:4, John 6:63) The mistake you have made in seeking to divorce the Living Word from the Written Word in the work of salvation is a grave error. The Greek manuscripts upon which the KJV is based As weve already seen, Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus were certainly of mediocre to poor quality. Its close-ish, but the actual path was slightly more convoluted than that. Seems to me like the evolutionists who take a few bones they find and build a whole monkey-man out of them, claiming they disproved creation. The definitions and theories were laid out very distinctly and well sourced. Second, this is Matthew 24; nearly the entire chapter is prophecy. So I believe God deals with His church the same today as He did in days past (why would He not? No, a prophetic application is what the verse is about, and thus the Confessional Bibliogist is correct in using that way. I did a quick search and found this article on a website I often look at for textual variant information. And so saying, he took down from the corner of the room a bulky kind of volume, wrapped up in a red cloth, and laid it before me. Paulsons data: I emphasize that these numbers showing that five important early manuscripts combine to produce a total of 706 singular readings only taking the text of Matthew into consideration. The (Byzantine) manuscripts from the Medieval period were substantially identical and beyond all question identical to those known in the second half of the fourth century. Remember that the less than 1% number includes ALL the variants, not just the differences between the TR and the CT. Those numbers sounded HIGHLY suspect to me, so I did some looking. Wow, great article. Thus, manuscripts boasting significant numbers of particular readings cannot be relied upon. I've only just started looking at the CSB, but it looks like a good readability/accuracy combination. Its get clearer in a few verses, and even clearer when you read 1 Peter 1. I dont believe my view on the text issue will mean much to you because we disagree on a very fundamental area that is clearly taught in Scripture: the preservation of Gods Word through all generations. If youd like a sampling of these differences, this page has a list with almost 300 of these variations at the bottom. He worked for the University of Toronto from 1951 until his retirement in 1984. Here are five reasons why a dogmatically-driven adherence to the Textus Receptus - Textus Receptus-Onlyism, one might . We have thereby passed beyond purely numerical relations, and the necessity of examining the genealogy of both minority and majority has become apparent. Great info, to the point, well done. I know too much Greek to accept something that was (seemingly) intentionally mistranslated. (Assuming they had multiple manuscripts to choose from.). Do you really know for a fact what those churches were using during that period, when you have less than 1% of the evidence? Therefore, it wouldnt be hard to skip some intervening letters to drop a word. However, getting to the original text of the Bible is rather like striving to be righteous; well never get there but that doesnt mean the struggle is in vain. that errors never disappear but instead are copied down through the generations. Because Im The Old Testament in Hebrew (which was the native language of the people of God of old), and the New Testament in Greek (which, at the time of the writing of it was most generally known to the nations), being immediately inspired by God, and, by His singular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore authentical;(r) so as, in all controversies of religion, the Church is finally to appeal unto them. The first manuscripts were copied onto either papyrus (ancient paper) or parchment (animal skins). These comprise over 75% of all textual variants, which means over 75% of textual variants have no effect on anything whatsoever. which is every-thing in red. This consideration revives the view that the Homeric vulgate was in existence before the Alexandrian period [Such] compels us to assume a central, average, or vulgate text. If you click the link, the footnotes are well worth reading, especially on is morally obligated because this translation nailed it. (Dont ask how much re-writing that took.). Its not good to be so confident in your writing and yet be so wrong in interpreting Scripture. (Also known as the Authorized Version, or AV for short.). The longer form of the Homeric text is characterized by popular expansion and scribal improvement; the NT Western text generally is considered the uncontrolled popular text of the second century with similar characteristics. Surely the people are grass. At what time did they stop having confidence that they knew the text they had was pure? So just to make sure Im understanding you correctly it sounds like youre saying its reasonable to ignore whether a word is singular or plural when exegeting the scriptures? We must receive the Gospel message under the gracious influence of the Holy Spirit which brings the faith that gives Salvation. The relevant portion says: Textum ergo habes, nunc ab omnibus receptum: in quo nihil immutatum aut corruptum damus, (Roughly Translated: so you hold the text, now received by all, in which nothing (is) corrupt.). It certainly agrees with the Byzantine Majority Text quite well, and the differences are not typically very large (though certainly some are). For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. The science of assembling these manuscripts is called "Textual Criticism", and you can consider this a complete Textual Criticism 101 article because we'll look at these topics in exhaustive detail. One of the major arguments against the Majority Text by those who prefer the Critical text is the accusation that scribes added the extra content. We have 5000+ manuscripts of the New Testament, though many are smaller fragments. It is pitting your limited human experience and learning against the stack of Gods promises, His power, and His faithfulness concerning His Word. a copy of the Greek translation made by the Seventy. Has recent textual criticism increased our faith in God? d. Therefore, we will refer to the two lineages based on their origins: Antioch/Antiochian and Alexandria/Alexandrian. a lot of times. I think how you can see how they get the Doctrine of Preservation, but it seems quite a stretch. However, proper context changes the sense radically. Are you aware that the Received Text (Textus Receptus) is essentially a 16th century Critical Text? 16 So the last will be first, and the first last. Thanks so much for all your analysis. However, a significant number of variants can be explained by this simple scribal error. The oldest more or less complete Septuagint manuscripts are Codex Vaticanus (4th century AD) and Codex Alexandrinus (5th century AD). A reading that shows better grammar at the expense of theology is likely not original. The verses of Gods Word that clearly promise He will preserve His Word, you have twisted and misled people. Are you aware that that is a myth, or at least that that assertion has been shown of many to be false? By an Alexandrian Church fathers own admission, manuscripts in Alexandria by 200 AD were already corrupt. I have been studying this subject for about 5 years and I have landed more or less where you have i.e., the M-text is a good starting point plus some thoughtful changes taking into account all the available data, such as the patristic quotations and the older translations. Confirms what I had already come to believe, but with a lot of supporting information. Koine Greek New Testament - Accented Scrivener 1894 Textus Receptus . It was a combination of primarily Westcott & Hotts work, along with two other Greek New Testaments. 10 Because of this, the woman is morally obligated to have authority on her head, because of the angels. So Sir Constant held counsel in his troubled heart, while the smooth voice spoke on as the path descended steeply to the lake-side, and the whole world was gray as the speakers cloak. (The Masoretic text is the traditional Hebrew text, and contains far fewer textual variants than the New Testament.) Certainly not all, but quite possibly a majority. It was shockingly balanced, very respectful, and based upon facts. Source: The Greek New Testament according to the Majority Text, p. xi. The idea that Scribes chose to copy better manuscripts makes perfect sense. This is the second longest article on this website (after the one on Revelation), but thats because its extremely complete. I dont have time to go through it, but hes got his wires crossed. These singular reading disappeared, never to be seen again. Fool and knave, cant you leave the old reading alone, and not alter it! In fact, when you see a Bible footnote that says the earliest and best manuscripts, they are almost universally talking about these two manuscripts, and only these two manuscripts. See their intro to the NT here: However, you will notice many times the words not identical verbatim. For a sense of scale, theres exactly 219 words from the beginning of the last quote to the end of the last section. However, the antiquity of these manuscripts is no indication of reliability because a prominent church father in Alexandria testified that manuscripts were already corrupt by the third century. This actually makes a lot of sense if you look at the Greek word used. Further assume you had two manuscripts to choose from when copying. And More Importantly, Why? Please explain to your readers the import of the perfect tense used here. Adding to this the 34 new readings in NA28, the total number of full disagreements in the 28thedition ofNovum Testamentum Graeceagainst WH1881 is695. The WEBs over her own head makes it sound like the woman must listen to no one but herself because she is under her own authority. However, the word Ive highlighted in red isnt plural (them); its singular (him). Its titled: In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How It Changed a Nation, a Language, and a Culture by Alister McGrath. This was an interesting article. The original texts were written in all capital letters and there were no spaces between the words. Your article clarified a few things for me and added some detail. It played an important role in the publication of the King James Bible and, indirectly, the history of the church [6]. The manuscript is believed to have been housed in Caesarea in the 6th century, together with theCodex Sinaiticus, as they have the same unique divisions of chapters in Acts. I am exposing what a textual critic, like you, really believes. For the other half, Scrivener was usually able to find corresponding Greek readings in the editions of Erasmus, or in theComplutensian Polyglot. Kephal is found nine times in 1 Corinthians chapter 11. The two definitely share similarities, but they definitely arent the same. So that we could not mistake His intentions, the Lord made clear to what degree He would keep the Scriptures pure. While I do not pretend to know your heart motives, I firmly believe you are of the same nature as the Gray Questioner, and will have the same affect on good people who fall into the web of your communications. As those who wrote the Westminster Confession, I do believe that God promised to preserve His Word, and I do not believe that Verbatim Identicality infringes on that belief at all. Theres no proof of that, but its possible. Of course, that is assuming the number is correct. However, theres a very big problem when someone makes a dogmatic doctrinal position without the support of scripture. The primary Greek source for the King James Version was the 1598 version of Theodore Bezas Greek New Testament. As you may remember, both Aland and Westcott & Hort had trouble sticking to their rules (except older is better). There may well be one, but I dont know which one. Therefore, they had the saying the shorter reading is the more probable reading.. If mistakes were tenacious, then there would be very few singular readings because these mistakes wouldve been passed down to each successive manuscript. That leads to the possibly the most humorous and unsettling thing about these correctors: the addition of a rebuke by one corrector to another. For I am a seeker of the truth. Then Sir Constant was silent, for he knew not how to speak. In the end, the greatest strength of the Critical Text is also its greatest weakness: mans involvement. The Tetragrammaton (over 6,800 times in the OT) will be rendered as Yahweh. Whether you count Bible translations based on the Critical Text vs Bible translations based on the Majority Text; or copies of the Greek Majority Text vs the Greek Critical Text, the Critical Text becomes the clear winner. Any form of eclecticism which accepts this principle will hardly succeed in establishing the original text of the New Testament; it will only confirm the view of the text which it presupposes. The early Christians translated the New Testament into other languages, and we have many of these translations. How should I cite it? Manuscripts repeatedly proven to have incorrect readings loose respectability. The Preservation of the Word of God is a matter of Biblical fact (Psalms 12:6-7; Psalms 119:15; Psalms 119:160; Psalms 138:2; Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 5:18; Matthew 24:35; John 17:6; John 17:17; I Peter 1:25). Most modern translations are based on the Nestle-Aland/United Bible Society (NA/UBS) text, published by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft (German Bible Society). 15 But Thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. . Remember The Word is one of Jesus main titles, especially in the writings of John. I dont have a link, but might add one. Again as shown in the article, there are no less than 27 different versions, so which one should we use? However, the text theyve chosen (the Textus Receptus) isnt a bad text. And thats not all the singular readings. All human knowledge, reason and feelings are fallible and will fail us, but Gods Word is never false, never fails and is our only guide to salvation. Thats why the overwhelming vast majority of our earliest Greek manuscripts come from one of the driest climates on the planet: Egypt. Every translation in every language, and every manuscript on which theyre based, differs. There are several. For simplicitys sake, lets assume the letter went to five churches, and then is accidentally destroyed. The primary authority for a critical textual decision lies with the Greek manuscript tradition, with the version and Fathers serving no more than a supplementary and corroborative function, particularly in passages where their underlying Greek text cannot be reconstructed with absolute certainty. Something that the TR can not boast nor the modern critical texts. Doesnt it mislead people to believe that the NKJV was a language update to the old english, when in fact it seems to combine KJV and the critical text and notes ?? (, 3rd generation: 8 correct copies, 7 incorrect copies (~1, 4th generation: 16 correct copies, 22 incorrect copies (~1, 5th generation: 32 correct copies, 60 incorrect copies (~1, Short = Alexandrian, reflecting scholarly revision, Medium = Widely believed to be the true/original because it maintained a near-identical form over 1000+ years, and most manuscripts are of this type. Off hand I can think of one or two places where the KJV follows Jeromes vulgate. From that point forward, the Roman Catholic Church preferred to keep their manuscript tradition in Latin rather than Greek. Isaiah 7:14 I found a scribal error and did not want it passed down for the next 100 generations. Good read for the history and context of the KJV. Further, The Greek lends more clarity on this. This brings us to one of the strongest arguments for the Majority Text theory: that scribes preferred to copy better manuscripts. Further, remember that 99% of Textual Variants dont change the meaning, even if they are original. Now, the first document to be called Textus Receptus was published in 1633. Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. It doesnt mean that there arent battles that have to be fought and frauds to be exposed. However, I have included it for completeness. Two such people were Wescott and Hort, If you make a decided conviction of the absolute infallibility of the N.T, I fear I could not join you. But the book which has most engaged me is Darwin. This is the best Ive read on this topic so far. The odds of all the scribes making the same error are extremely low. I would also suggest you look at the interlinear bible for looking up original words. Did you even bother to examine those verses? For our purposes here, the term textus receptus means the 1550 edition of the Greek New Testament published by Robertus Stephanus. Matthew 1:1 in the 1611 King James reads, The booke of the generation of Iesus Christ, the sonne of Dauid, the sonne of Abraham. Or at least, He would preserve a true version for His faithful followers. The Confessional Position is the exact opposite. It has often been stated by Majority Text advocates that good money pushes out bad, and the same principle can be applied to Textual Criticism. They are especially frequent in the Septuagint portion. Nice article, well-balanced and thoughtful. The main source for Bezas New Testament was Robert Estiennes 1550 Greek New Testament. Textual Variants that are Meaningful and Viable, New Testament Textual Families or Text Types, The Critical Text Theory, aka Reasoned Eclecticism, The Rules of Textual Criticism According to Reasoned Eclecticism. Dean Burgon describes the quality of the scribal work in Vaticanus: Codex B [Vaticanus] comes to us without a history: without recommendation of any kind, except that of its antiquity. (Though as weve already seen theres reason to think it was the dominant text.). Forgive me, brave knight, if I desire some firmer ground than that. Despite the Byzantine text type being vindicated by extremely early manuscript findings, there remains a persistent bias against Byzantine readings for no apparent reason. (though again Im biased) I think the contradiction is clear, and the WEB Bible completely flipped this verse upside down seemingly on purpose, because theres absolutely no justification whatsoever in Greek for their over her own head translation. 1.3 = Fixed Galatians onwards verses error. I knew basically nothing about Textual Criticism before reading this. 6 The words of the LORD are pure words; Textus Receptus: Greek Editions of the Textus Receptus English Translations of the Textus Receptus Textus Receptus Bible Information Origen, the Alexandrian church father in the early third century, said: Origen is of course speaking of the manuscripts of his location, Alexandria, Egypt. ), For an example, lets say were copying the shortest book of the New Testament, 3 John with 219 words (in Greek). We know that the very means by which we communicate to each otherwordsare crucially important to God. It bears traces of careless transcription in every page. God will keep them (His words) by setting him (the man) in safety like He said He would in verse 5. Their desire is to preserve the legacy of the NASB95, as well as incorporate two major changes: However, this will hopefully provide a better background for you when making your own decisions about source texts. The quality (or lack thereof) of Sinaticus and Vaticanus (also how did Westcott/Hort reconcile differences between the two codices) It certainly seems like the kind of thing that could happen, but Id need to see more evidence (quotes from the source documents perhaps) or other sources. These four are often called the Great Uncial Manuscripts). Do you believe that there is no church in the whole world that actually has the preserved Word of God? Youre welcome, and Im glad it blessed you. The blurb said, in Latin, "This is the text that is received by all.". Fixed, thank you for pointing that out. Another stating of their position goes like this: The letter of Scripture has been preserved, without any corruption, in the original tongue. However, their original work is still with us. For example, lets say that three scribes copied from the original, and one of them made an error. The Textus Receptus - What is it? Terrific article. One of Alands rules for Textual Criticism is: The venerable maxim lectio brevior lectio potior (the shorter reading is the more probable reading) is certainly right in many instances. The TR had the singular in 1550 but was changed to the plural in the 1894 TR. i.e. Some scholars would say he wasnt even middle of the pack. Presumably the scribes didnt keep the errors because they recognized them as errors. One of the major underpinnings for the Majority Text theory is that scribes will generally choose to copy better manuscripts over worse manuscripts. (Youll know this is especially true of Greek if youve read my A Few Fun Things About Biblical (Koine) Greek article) Another example: perhaps one document will only have Christ and another only has Jesus. Additionally, That question above is the whole problem for me, or at least most of it. Do you have a post describing the actual biblical texts that have meaningful differences between the majority and critical texts? In English the indefinite article a gets an n added when the next word starts with a vowel. The Codex Vaticanus gets its name from the place where it was stored, the Vatican library. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. I find the KJV Onlyists arguments to be extremely weak, to be honest, though itd be nice if that were the answer to this problem of textual and translational variation in Bibles. Well, it was Westcott & Hort who said of the Western text: Words and even clauses are changed, omitted, and inserted with surprising freedom, wherever it seemed that the meaning could be brought out with greater force and definiteness. Therefore, it shouldnt be surprising that they basically ignored the Western text type. The earliest Masoretic manuscripts are from the 9th or 10th centuries AD. The result is called a Critical Text. Thank for the kind words, and Im so glad you enjoyed the article. o monogenes uios Alexandrinus, Textus Receptus, Peshitta etc. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. That much is obvious. (Greek words often have similar endings because of the nature of the Greek language.) ), In a similar vein, Kurt Aland considers Greek manuscripts which are purely or predominately Byzantine to be irrelevant for textual criticism.. You can argue that it didnt matter for later editions because they were restored from the Aldine edition but the Aldine edition itself was based on Erasmus first edition so, Very helpful and thorough. One of the most striking traits of the New Testament textual tradition is its tenacity. Aland & Aland,The Text of the New Testament, p. 56. This is so helpful. She reproves the angels of Satan declaring that she will submit to the authority of God, even though they did not. According toHerman C. Hoskier, there are, without counting errors ofiotacism, 3,036 textual variations between Sinaiticus and Vaticanus in the text of the Gospels alone, Assuming that the same ratio of variants persists in the rest of the New Testament and doing the math, thats ~3434 additional variants, for a total of ~6470 variants between them. This is a wonderful article and I enjoyed reading it as much as anything Ive read in the last year or so. Well sourced am exposing what a textual critic alive today talking about of! Copy of the Holy Spirit which brings the faith that gives Salvation want passed... Readability/Accuracy combination faithful followers successive manuscript a dogmatically-driven adherence to the point, well.... Mean that there is no church in the end of the New Testament. ) be few... 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Nine times in the OT ) will be first, and then is accidentally destroyed chapter.... I 've only just started looking at the bottom version was the 1598 version Theodore! Be fought and frauds to be seen again now, the text that is a myth, in! Is still with us traits of the Greek New Testament - Accented Scrivener 1894 Receptus! Of supporting information Aland, the manuscript tradition in Latin, & quot ; this is the whole that! Tr had the saying the shorter reading is the whole problem for me or. Too much Greek to accept something that the TR had the singular in 1550 was. Supporting information ) intentionally mistranslated page has a list with almost 300 of these,. The authority of God, even if they are original one, but seems! Is notable so the last will be first, we will refer to the end of pack... Have authority on her head, because of this, the woman is morally obligated to incorrect. And these so-called scholars have preached as the Authorized version, or at least, He keep. Variants than the New Testament. ) covers a subject that can be strongly debated among Christians... There arent battles that have meaningful differences between the majority text theory: scribes! Im going to re-quote something we looked at earlier Christians translated the New Testament ). Manuscript tradition in Latin, & quot ; a reading that shows better grammar at the interlinear... Recognized them as errors deals with His church the same five reasons why a dogmatically-driven adherence to the,!