"The room was great, but the TV guide didn't work. * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. $('#chk_in').click(); var currentTime2 = new Date(); Jan 22 - Jan 23. var checkOutDate2=document.getElementById('chk_out').value; if(pastDate==true)return true; outDateArr = document.getElementById('chk_out').value.split("/"); } :rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d. var xxxxxxxday = currentTime2.getDate() "Lovely hotel in a great location for shopping. document.getElementById('addressTable').style.display = 'none'; ul#icons span.ui-icon{float:left;margin:0 4px} return false; } var outday = new Date(document.getElementById("chk_out").value); Restaurants near Farm League Brewing Cambridge. win1 = true; }else{ border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; The room was comfortable, and the hotel staff was friendly. function critUpdate(){ var dTmm=dTparams[0]; Don't stay at this hotel. "The hotel lobby was hot. this.style.width = this.getAttribute('data-rating') + "em"; var oudatestring = document.getElementById('chk_out').value; Call Us +1 319-351-6600 Check-in 3 pm Check-out 11 am Five minutes from The University of Iowa We're next to I-80, five minutes north of The University of Iowa's campus, hospitals, and clinics. "notmodified":"success";if(R=="success"){try{V=o.httpData(J,M.dataType,M)}catch(Z){R="parsererror"}}if(R=="success"){var Y;try{Y=J.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified")}catch(Z){}if(M.ifModified&&Y){o.lastModified[M.url]=Y}if(!W){I()}}else{o.handleError(M,J,R)}L();if(X){J.abort()}if(M.async){J=null}}}};if(M.async){var P=setInterval(N,13);if(M.timeout>0){setTimeout(function(){if(J&&!K){N("timeout")}},M.timeout)}}try{J.send(M.data)}catch(S){o.handleError(M,J,null,S)}if(!M.async){N()}function I(){if(M.success){M.success(V,R)}if(M.global){o.event.trigger("ajaxSuccess",[J,M])}}function L(){if(M.complete){M.complete(J,R)}if(M.global){o.event.trigger("ajaxComplete",[J,M])}if(M.global&&!--o.active){o.event.trigger("ajaxStop")}}return J},handleError:function(F,H,E,G){if(F.error){F.error(H,E,G)}if(F.global){o.event.trigger("ajaxError",[H,F,G])}},active:0,httpSuccess:function(F){try{return !F.status&&location.protocol=="file:"||(F.status>=200&&F.status<300)||F.status==304||F.status==1223}catch(E){}return false},httpNotModified:function(G,E){try{var H=G.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified");return G.status==304||H==o.lastModified[E]}catch(F){}return false},httpData:function(J,H,G){var F=J.getResponseHeader("content-type"),E=H=="xml"||!H&&F&&F.indexOf("xml")>=0,I=E?J.responseXML:J.responseText;if(E&&I.documentElement.tagName=="parsererror"){throw"parsererror"}if(G&&G.dataFilter){I=G.dataFilter(I,H)}if(typeof I==="string"){if(H=="script"){o.globalEval(I)}if(H=="json"){I=l["eval"]("("+I+")")}}return I},param:function(E){var G=[];function H(I,J){G[G.length]=encodeURIComponent(I)+"="+encodeURIComponent(J)}if(o.isArray(E)||E.jquery){o.each(E,function(){H(this.name,this.value)})}else{for(var F in E){if(o.isArray(E[F])){o.each(E[F],function(){H(F,this)})}else{H(F,o.isFunction(E[F])?E[F]():E[F])}}}return G.join("&").replace(/%20/g,"+")}});var m={},n,d=[["height","marginTop","marginBottom","paddingTop","paddingBottom"],["width","marginLeft","marginRight","paddingLeft","paddingRight"],["opacity"]];function t(F,E){var G={};o.each(d.concat.apply([],d.slice(0,E)),function(){G[this]=F});return G}o.fn.extend({show:function(J,L){if(J){return this.animate(t("show",3),J,L)}else{for(var H=0,F=this.length;H").appendTo("body");K=I.css("display");if(K==="none"){K="block"}I.remove();m[G]=K}o.data(this[H],"olddisplay",K)}}for(var H=0,F=this.length;H=0||o.inArray(this.name,K)>=0)}else{if(o.nodeName(this,"select")){var N=o.makeArray(K);o("option",this).each(function(){this.selected=(o.inArray(this.value,N)>=0||o.inArray(this.text,N)>=0)});if(!N.length){this.selectedIndex=-1}}else{this.value=K}}})},html:function(E){return E===g? "Great location. - allows pets in some pet rooms - $35 per night fee for each pet. (o.offset.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells&&/^t(able|d|h)$/i.test(J.tagName))){N+=parseInt(M.borderTopWidth,10)||0,I+=parseInt(M.borderLeftWidth,10)||0}F=G,G=J.offsetParent}if(o.offset.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible&&M.overflow!=="visible"){N+=parseInt(M.borderTopWidth,10)||0,I+=parseInt(M.borderLeftWidth,10)||0}E=M}if(E.position==="relative"||E.position==="static"){N+=K.offsetTop,I+=K.offsetLeft}if(E.position==="fixed"){N+=Math.max(H.scrollTop,K.scrollTop),I+=Math.max(H.scrollLeft,K.scrollLeft)}return{top:N,left:I}}}o.offset={initialize:function(){if(this.initialized){return}var L=document.body,F=document.createElement("div"),H,G,N,I,M,E,J=L.style.marginTop,K='
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Flawless blend of rustic, elegance, and beauty that provides the picture-perfect backdrop for an Iowa wedding. The Celebration Farm Nestled among the trees and fertile farm ground of Johnson County our one-of-a-kind collection of spaces have been charming guests since 2011 Double Round Barn Amphitheater Timber Frame Barn Check out our reviews! if(monthnum < 10) monthnum = "0"+monthnum; document.getElementById('citspan').style.fontWeight="bold"; Verdilife Farms Website (319) 594-5646 322 N Clinton St Iowa City, IA 52245 CLOSED NOW 4. document.getElementById('nrooms').value=unescape(nrooms); Get coupons, hours, photos, videos, directions for Celebration Farm at 2410 N Dodge St Iowa City IA. document.getElementById('bkform').action = '/name-search.php'; ":"")+H}})},remove:function(E,F){if(E.nodeType==1){E.className=F!==g?o.grep(E.className.split(/\s+/),function(G){return !o.className.has(F,G)}).join(" "):""}},has:function(F,E){return F&&o.inArray(E,(F.className||F).toString().split(/\s+/))>-1}},swap:function(H,G,I){var E={};for(var F in G){E[F]=H.style[F];H.style[F]=G[F]}I.call(H);for(var F in G){H.style[F]=E[F]}},css:function(H,F,J,E){if(F=="width"||F=="height"){var L,G={position:"absolute",visibility:"hidden",display:"block"},K=F=="width"? document.getElementById('dod_dd').value = dod_dd; var selInMonth = $('#sel_chk_in_month').val(); padding: 5px; } //BEGIN check if date needs to be updated var doay=paramsy[0].substring(paramsy[0].indexOf('=')+1); The room was clean, and the staff was more than accommodating. document.getElementById('nformbox').className = "nformbox"; "); var doa=params[0].substring(params[0].indexOf('=')+1); if(+in_d >= +out_d){ var now=new Date(); We were moved to another room that had a musty smell. The room and bathroom were clean, and the bedding was fresh. '); function toTimestamp(strDate){var datum = Date.parse(strDate);return datum/1000;} The property is near Norwalk, Iowa just outside of town, only 20 minutes to the Mills Civic Parkway exit in West Des Moines. // console.log('test',popup); Iowa City, IA 52240 Very convienent location if you have a student at the University or want to check out the downtown area. document.cookie="hgBookInfo"+"="+cookie_string+"; path=/; domain=hotelguides.com; expires="+todate.toGMTString(); Authentic feel of a true Iowa barn var in_yy = inDateArr[2]; var searcht=''; No lock on the bathroom door, and no exhaust fan in the bathroom. var todayPlus360 = curr_month + "/" + curr_day + "/" + curr_year; var out_dd = outDateArr[1]; //BEGIN BOOKINGS.com SCRIPTS Not too happy about the rock in the back door by our room, though. width: 400px; return false; )"+H.type+"(\\.|$)"),G=true,F=[];o.each(o.data(this,"events").live||[],function(I,J){if(E.test(J.type)){var K=o(H.target).closest(J.data)[0];if(K){F.push({elem:K,fn:J})}}});F.sort(function(J,I){return o.data(J.elem,"closest")-o.data(I.elem,"closest")});o.each(F,function(){if(this.fn.call(this.elem,H,this.fn.data)===false){return(G=false)}});return G}function i(F,E){return["live",F,E.replace(/\./g,"`").replace(/ /g,"|")].join(". If you're tired of cramped rooms and small beds, this place is worth going a bit out of your way. //var todaysdate = zzzzzzzmonth + "/" + zzzzzzzday + "/" + zzzzzzzyear; 2910 S Main Street , Cedar Falls , Iowa 50613 , United States. var dod_dd = outdateArray2[1]; var yy=params[2]; document.getElementById("chk_in").value = ''; :\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(T[2]=="even"&&"2n"||T[2]=="odd"&&"2n+1"||!/\D/.test(T[2])&&"0n+"+T[2]||T[2]);T[2]=(U[1]+(U[2]||1))-0;T[3]=U[3]-0}T[0]=L++;return T},ATTR:function(X,U,V,T,Y,Z){var W=X[1].replace(/\\/g,"");if(!Z&&I.attrMap[W]){X[1]=I.attrMap[W]}if(X[2]==="~="){X[4]=" "+X[4]+" "}return X},PSEUDO:function(X,U,V,T,Y){if(X[1]==="not"){if(X[3].match(R).length>1||/^\w/.test(X[3])){X[3]=F(X[3],null,null,U)}else{var W=F.filter(X[3],U,V,true^Y);if(!V){T.push.apply(T,W)}return false}}else{if(I.match.POS.test(X[0])||I.match.CHILD.test(X[0])){return true}}return X},POS:function(T){T.unshift(true);return T}},filters:{enabled:function(T){return T.disabled===false&&T.type!=="hidden"},disabled:function(T){return T.disabled===true},checked:function(T){return T.checked===true},selected:function(T){T.parentNode.selectedIndex;return T.selected===true},parent:function(T){return ! Cozy waterfront dwelling in Otley (from USD 139) Show all photos You can bet on a restful getaway at this waterfront dwelling facing Lake Red Rock in Otley, Iowa. Hotel Distance Maximum Distance (Miles): Restaurant Name. The elevator was scary. var dateToCheck=new Date(); /* if(pastDateChk(checkInDateMini) || checkInDateMini == ""){ var outDateArr = new_out_day.asString().split("/"); alert('Please enter your date in the format "MM/DD/YYYY". thebDate2.setHours(thebDate.getHours() + 24); return false; document.cookie="hgBookInfo=; expires="+cookie_date.toGMTString(); //TODO FIX critUpdate Germantown, TN, US, Colter Wall : Brett Young, Jameson Rodgers, Ashley C The front desk clerks were friendly, and breakfast was good. $(function(){ console.log(+out_d); .qp{color:#1d5387;font-size:1.1em;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:-3px} Perfect for meetings, weddings, services, or celebrations.Total facility capacity is 450. "The hotel was affordable apart from the $100 deposit. var oudatestring = document.getElementById('chk_out2').value; console.log(popupTop); Great staff. document.getElementById('destfield').style.width = '211px'; document.getElementById('doa_dd').value = doa_dd; } per night. Your day will feature the vendors of your choosing, bringing your unique vision to life. table.jCalendar{border:1px solid #fff;background:#fff;border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:2px;width:300px;height:200px;font-size:12px} $('#sel_chk_in_month').val(in_mm); ]+)/)||[0,"0"])[1],safari:/webkit/.test(C),opera:/opera/.test(C),msie:/msie/.test(C)&&!/opera/.test(C),mozilla:/mozilla/.test(C)&&!/(compatible|webkit)/.test(C)};o.each({parent:function(E){return E.parentNode},parents:function(E){return o.dir(E,"parentNode")},next:function(E){return o.nth(E,2,"nextSibling")},prev:function(E){return o.nth(E,2,"previousSibling")},nextAll:function(E){return o.dir(E,"nextSibling")},prevAll:function(E){return o.dir(E,"previousSibling")},siblings:function(E){return o.sibling(E.parentNode.firstChild,E)},children:function(E){return o.sibling(E.firstChild)},contents:function(E){return o.nodeName(E,"iframe")?E.contentDocument||E.contentWindow.document:o.makeArray(E.childNodes)}},function(E,F){o.fn[E]=function(G){var H=o.map(this,F);if(G&&typeof G=="string"){H=o.multiFilter(G,H)}return this.pushStack(o.unique(H),E,G)}});o.each({appendTo:"append",prependTo:"prepend",insertBefore:"before",insertAfter:"after",replaceAll:"replaceWith"},function(E,F){o.fn[E]=function(G){var J=[],L=o(G);for(var K=0,H=L.length;K0?this.clone(true):this).get();o.fn[F].apply(o(L[K]),I);J=J.concat(I)}return this.pushStack(J,E,G)}});o.each({removeAttr:function(E){o.attr(this,E,"");if(this.nodeType==1){this.removeAttribute(E)}},addClass:function(E){o.className.add(this,E)},removeClass:function(E){o.className.remove(this,E)},toggleClass:function(F,E){if(typeof E!=="boolean"){E=!o.className.has(this,F)}o.className[E? 319.622.5254. Everything was first-rate, including the hot breakfast. Show more 8.7 Excellent 223 reviews Price from $101.15 per night Check availability document.getElementById( 'formused' ).value="x" ; View: 3129. var bcurr_month = bdatePlus360.getMonth() + 1; //months are zero based "Nice hotel. out_d = new Date(out_d); "The hotel room was clean and attractive. "The lock on my hotel room door didn't work properly, so I didn't feel safe. }else{ document.getElementById('dod_yy').value = dod_yy; if(pastDate(checkOutDateMini) || checkOutDateMini == ""){ !T.ownerDocument&&Q(T.ownerDocument)};var J=function(T,aa){var W=[],X="",Y,V=aa.nodeType? if(zzzzzzzmonth < 10) zzzzzzzmonth = "0"+zzzzzzzmonth; window.alreadywent1 = false; var checkOutDate=document.getElementById('chk_out').value; if(curr_day < 10) curr_day = "0"+curr_day; The cost was high as well. [^\(]*\))/.source)}var E=function(U,T){U=Array.prototype.slice.call(U);if(T){T.push.apply(T,U);return T}return U};try{Array.prototype.slice.call(document.documentElement.childNodes)}catch(N){E=function(X,W){var U=W||[];if(H.call(X)==="[object Array]"){Array.prototype.push.apply(U,X)}else{if(typeof X.length==="number"){for(var V=0,T=X.length;V";var T=document.documentElement;T.insertBefore(U,T.firstChild);if(! var oudatestringMiniMini = document.getElementById('chk_in2').value; console.log('(#chk_out).change'); console.log($(this).offset()); window.submitFormMini = function(){ if (in_d && out_d) { There was food in the fridge, and it was dirty around the toilet. Forget about breakfast; the selection is poor. } document.getElementById('chk_out').style.background="white url('/i/t.gif') top left no-repeat"; $('#nrooms,#nadults,#gbgo,#ss,.nfm,#destfield').focus(function(){ Comfort Inn & Suites Grinnell near I-80. document.getElementById('zas').value = "55"; Top 10 trending hotels near Celebration Town Center Discover our most popular hotels from the last 30 days Most booked Most wish-listed Motel 6-Kissimmee, FL - Orlando Hotel in Celebration, Orlando #1 Booked hotel near Celebration Town Center 7.2 Good 880 reviews Celebration Suites Hotel in Celebration, Orlando #2 document.getElementById("chk_out").value = tomorowssdate; Fully refundable Reserve now, pay when you stay. !ah;if(ag&&ah!=null){if(ae){T=true}else{aa[X]=false}}else{if(ae){ai.push(af);T=true}}}}}if(ah!==g){if(!ag){aa=ai}ad=ad.replace(I.match[ab],"");if(!T){return[]}break}}}if(ad==V){if(T==null){throw"Syntax error, unrecognized expression: "+ad}else{break}}V=ad}return aa};var I=F.selectors={order:["ID","NAME","TAG"],match:{ID:/#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/,CLASS:/\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/,NAME:/\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,ATTR:/\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/,TAG:/^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*_-]|\\.)+)/,CHILD:/:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+-]*)\))?/,POS:/:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^-]|$)/,PSEUDO:/:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]*)((? 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