Good night and God bless. The clause, as published by GameStation, reads, The devil does not have to appear to you. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. You must sell your soul to Jesus it belongs to Satan by default. Peace. I've sometimes wondered why there aren't any christian organisations who will pre-emptively buy your soul from you so you can't accidentally sell it to satan. Bad and Good is purely subjective I can do this long distance, just send me a pm, but be sure you have your credit card handy. Just stick with it, and try. does telling this young, suffering child that help her in anyway? With that said, I truly believe we can get our souls back. It's impossible to sell your soul. U can't sell or give ur soul like Faust described it. tl;dr but the way to sell your soul is to give up your morals in exchange for money. I think of Hitler A soul cannot be bought or sold. Therefore, whenever you summon him to trade your soul, he will surely show up. Well, read on to know if it is worth it to sell your soul to the devil. You may feel that you're not part of the world anymore and that your soul is no longer yours. Hebrews 12:27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. 9 Vertigo Spiritual Meanings: Random Dizziness, 9 Spiritual Meanings of Candles: Symbolism and Powers, 11 Biblical Meanings of Giving Birth in a Dream: Girl, Boy, Twins, 11 Scarab Beetle Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism. It can also boost their ego or give them fulfillment. You would prospectively be selling your soul, and your literal corporal body, if you were selling yourself for sex. Now going DIRECTLY against that inner voice especially when at a higher level of awareness. What drugs do you believe have the most potential for Had a friend of mine tell me to stay away from dmt Disrespecting others seems to be on the rise? This is what everyone who has sold their soul to the devil will suffer at the end. It is a conscious decision when presented that a person makes. When good behavior and moral uprightness have left the consciousness of your soul, then it is a sign that you have sold your soul to the devil. If you want to follow GOD, ask him for a Church home, read the Bible, and pray. Hes better now, but there was a period of time which he recounts as being very dark. Rom 8:38-39. For all whom have believed in Him as their personal Lord and Savior, they are no longer under the law, but under grace and God says He remembers our sins no more. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If you want to lean to your own understanding, and the understanding and council of sinful men that is your choice. He died on the cross for claiming he was the son of God. Don't lay your whole body down on the stove because you accidentally touched it once. They just need to repent for their sins, accept Jesus and follow the path of righteousness. But that's ultimately between them and God. 34 Who then is the one who condemns? Each student was to have lookedup a one paragraph decision and reporton it. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. After reading the contract and consenting to all the terms and conditions, you will sign this contractual agreement with your blood. I truly believe you are okay, but I understand why you are fearful. They snuck off and they did it. 3. Plus you cannot sell your Soul as it was Gods gift to you ; your gift of Life in Creation .. you will exist always and Gods will is for you to just Be Happy and pray to Remember what you are and where you reside . Maybe ya done goofed. I sold my soul to Satan the devil in June of 2021. and he signed it, 'properly', and then burned the letter. The idea of "selling one's soul" is not literal. Does he get bored ?? Here's what happened to me. The devil belongs to you and you will do whatever he wants from that moment onwards. Thank you for the encouraging post. I have blasphemed the holy spirit for which there is no turning back since I did that I feel nothing but a desire to do the work of Satan and obey Satan. When you begin to have dreams of yourself sitting and discussing with the devil, then it is a sign that you have sold your soul to the devil. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. I didnt talk to Satan intentionally that night but I was angry, bitter and definitely not feeling myself, and I think that maybe hes been sly and taken me quoting that song when my arm was bleeding as me signing myself over to him. People do, or do not give in to something perceived as evil. And poof, just like, that he was gone. no Your soul belongs to devil by default, you can sell yourself to Christ only If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. @DeighAnnImpressive dredging of the archives, if I may say so. You can sell your soul by speaking with the devil from your mind If you desire something badly, you can allow the emotion to fill you up, and then speak to the devil out of the emotion. This is not to say, "go murder your neighbor it'll be fine," because in harming your neighbor you harm yourself. God didnt make this world . After passing these tests, your desires will be granted to you. Get help. I believe the Lord has redeemed all souls. Satan is not the devil. By trading your soul, the devil will then grant you the person you desire to be with. All is self. It is something that is given to us from God that can NOT be taken away by Satan or whoever. Smoking weed not for medicinal reasons is still discouraged though. Let me just say that I don't believe you can accidentally, unintentionally sell your soul or anyone else's to the Devil. It wouldnt be worth the hellish marijuana paper its printed on! But thats just life; dealing with the burden of spiritual experience is a lot like dealing with the burden of scientific knowledge. I just really hope Im being paranoid and he still loves me too! You can ask for success, wealth, power, and so much more. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. Just a crazy world of mysteries and food and drugs and people and spirits and love and life and death. But everyone else's perspective of self is just as valid as your own. The time is now children, Love is patient, love is kind. You're probably changing along with your body. But it does mean that Satan (the prince of this world) has been dethroned and cast out. This has even been proven via brain scans of those who are afflicted with it. Some make happy and social drunks. They become so obsessed with what they stand to gain and proceed to sell their soul. And Im trying tirelessly to be a better person and I constantly try to please God and make up for that night, but it feels like something is just different I just feel suffocated all the time like theres just this darkness hanging over me that blocks out any light or positivity I can find, and Im almost obsessed with the idea of going to Hell & even worry that my lost loved ones might be there because they werent religious as far as I know. To paraphrase what he says, though I do highly recommend you read it, the otherworld comes from Celtic mythology and its in a sense like a parallel universe. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, they dont know the further details and processes of the whole event. When one sells their soul, it's generally a metaphor for compromising yourself, usually not for the good. The devils contract has 7 major consequences that come with it. If you consistently believe yourself to be damned, you get to experience that. You will lose your peace at the end of it all. A lot of people dont know that this is one of the signs that their souls have been sold off to the devil. The Holy Spirit is not tripping over your delusions of grandeur. I think it boils down to that. Im in a similar boat as well. Through spiritual experience, psychoactive effects, or all kinds of causes, you might find yourself wandering into it, almost like drifting out of your lane when youre driving, except there are no sensory indicators that anythings changed. Hey everybody! We have a voice inside. No, but sadly some actually are duped into believing this. Tell him you are willing to trade your soul for what you desire. You bought up your molar surgery and how it changed your face. One has to wonder also how damaging some of the religuous nonsense has influenced our mental wellbeing for the worse. Joshua_Entangled, Sunday at 10:58 AM, Copyright 1999-2022 Worthy Christian Forums - A division of Worthy Ministries. However, I would be concerned though that you don't know for certain that you're in the Kingdom! Going cold turkey on any intoxicant can cause changes to your appearance, and to how you're feeling physically and emotionally. Most of those who argue against this reality usually point out,you cannot sell what doesnt belong to you. Does this mean that every time a celebrity has spoken about selling their soul that they were simply lying? Youve clearly got a very active mind and its very busy processing a shit ton of stuff. I really wanted to read this but man, use paragraphs and form full sentances next time. by Joe Schimmel | Articles, Commentaries & Teachings, Hollywood, Music, Q & A | 7 comments. But as u have free choice u can stop and give ur self to God in Christ. You cannot barter the soul away. Though people can't sell their soul, they can certainly condemn it. No your fine. Your email address will not be published. Do you really think there is one person here whom suffers from OCD who has not prayed so much for even the most insignifacant, presumed transgression which was probably no transgression at all, that they could not function at all in their daily life? By doing this, you can get 2 desires for your soul. But you got your soul back after turning to God? I have met certain people who were threatened by the devil because they refused to do his bidding. Deep down Im hoping to connect with more soul less people, so we can fight this battle together. This dream is a sign that you have sold your soul. What happens when you sell your soul to the devil? So the real question is am I a man or a muppet? Psalm 5:4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. I have a book recommendation. This has been drilled into our heads for so long it would be impossible to ignore which attributes to why we may feel so guilty for something that simply should have never happened. And there is no hell. The 3 tests you will be mandated to perform are evil acts. Some have spent 10 -20 years. But, the more someone with OCD tries to resist an "unwanted" thought the more prevelant it becomes. Not as a born again Christian! JavaScript is disabled. DO GOOD, FIGHT AGAINST THE DEVIL AND DO NOT LET HIM DECEIVE YOU!! You're not signing away your soul. You can however go to hell for publishing walls of texts such as this. It doesn't happen all at once, it is a gradual process. Your life should revolve around Christ and not around the things of the world. Your soul belongs to him therefore, your entire being belongs to the devil. First of all, I'm a 15 year old baptist girl. Okay, I read it.. No, you don't sell your soul by selling weed or having transcendental experiences like ego death. I also will pray for you. You have to understand that when it comes to the devil, he is a wise being who can do a lot of things in unpredictable ways through unpredictable methods. I think GOD is trying to reveal himself to you, you now have a choice to reject him or follow him, either way the choice is yours. Paganism In Depth by John Beckett. I can really relate to what you are saying. Selling your soul to the devil will lead to depression. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area. I got this from the contact, but I was uneducated about the price I and everyone around me would pay.I am searching my whole life to find a way to go back 42 years to the day i made the deal. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Be strong in your faith, and remember doubt is the strength of the enemy. I am impressed that at age 14 you know enoughto read terms and conditions before merrily agreeing to anything for temporary gain and pleasure. This is somewhat like a contract. THAT is selling one's soul. The devil is not God, he doesnt love you and his purpose is to lead you in hell because he knows that he has already been judged and his sentence is irrevocable. Everything else will come with time. People who sold their soul know that they sold their soul. Selling your soul to the devil is the worst decision that you can take!!!! 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. Additional comment actions Its not your soul to sell, so no you didn't sell it. On a personal note, Your sudden shift from "good" to "damned" is something that resonates with me. Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?, I was once alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin came alive and I died., Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of deaththat is, the deviland free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death., For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people., Now therefore fear the LORD and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. I wish to comment on this for several reasons. Satan hates them, uses them as puppets, then seeks to destroy them before they repent. I think you should stop tracking out to biblical angels to get what you want. It depends on the gravity of what you desire. Finally in my own life I can say that OCD has grown me up in my faith and for that reason I can now, "glory in my affliction in order that the power of Christ may rest more fully upon me - for when I am weak I am strong." While others never saw a being. I'm sorry but, you obviously no nothing about OCD. Hi, welcome, great and very serious question for you to ask. When one sells his soul, it is not a spontaneous thought, it is a conscious decision one makes to follow Satan and serve him. Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. The process: a person has a deep desire for something or the person has a talent of some sort. I know that you are me. See if it is right or if there is anything that should be changed. This is where mental breakdowns happen to a lot of people. Answer In the fanciful tale of Dr. Faustus, a man makes a deal with the devil: in exchange for his body and soul, the man is to receive supernatural power and pleasures for 24 years. Nothing. There's a point to all this. This selling of your soul is completely rubbish concept that unsurprisingly the hollyweird sinners spread using music and movies. Not trying to accidentally sell my soul to the fucking devil. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. It's also true that we experience life from a central point of view which is self. So, do you already know what happens when you sell your soul to the devil? Maybe ya done had an experience necessary for more ultimate growth. When this body no longer is capable of containing consciousness you will be MIND. Hey kid all of this speaks to our societies constant attack upon peoples mental health. You are the Devil if you practice hate and misery and you cant be happy when you hate . I get horrible anxiety when I just hear the thiefs name Mike or see one of those Kia Soul cars. I had a friend who went through a series of facial surgeries to correct an issue (I.e., this was medical, cosmetic) and he didnt recognize himself in the mirror anymore. Looking for advice? With one being an exception a multi page summary- it was mine of course. Salvation ain't cheap, you know Ok, I'm just fucking with you. I dont think thats how souls work. My mother was healthy and suddenly dies of cancer. The individuated essence you are at its absolute core and center is infinite. It is a gift from God. Having a soul retrieval performed by a shaman is a good place to start. Your email address will not be published. Simply put; sell out forJesus! Privacy Policy. Think about it as judgement day, you will be judged when you die and it will be determined on where you go. The gospel message is simple -- Repent -- which means to turn from your sins -- and believe -- which means to utterly entrust your soul -- that Jesus died, rose again, and in Him alone, you can find the forgiveness of sins! Answered! Different people have different experiences with cannabis, and can include feelings of mellowness and happiness, or paranoia and depression, in the same way people have differing reactions to alcohol. I'm sure you've heard actions speak louder than words. For more information, please see our NO IT DOES NOT. My creator and savior just astounds me! Just like an engineer knows the car he builds; God know you and knows the answer to all your problem and questions. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. If you do sell your soul in a dream, it may be a sign that you are feeling overly stressed or that you need to take a step back from life. The assumption that "If you had a bad trip, it meant you What if oxygen is a Psychedelic substance and the effects My Best friend and I telepathically communicated 5 miles UCLA starts Psychedelic Studies Initiative. But if you got something out of it, you were the one who pulled off a con. Required fields are marked *. For example, if you desire someone, you can make a pact with the devil. The amount of money you will get for selling your soul will be based on how much you desire to have and what your needs are. Good Fight Ministries uses cookies and other similar technologies. After reading this article, I am sure you can answer the question Is it worth it to sell my soul to the devil?. This is one of the huge tragedies of recent times. Forums; Clubs; Activity . It opens up your minds gate, all sorts of stuff can get in. When I was a kid, I had always thought that you will see the devil before signing a contract with him for your soul. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He is a defeated foe. Still got it. But only from the perspective that reality is fake. trofimus Senior Member Aug 17, 2015 10,684 Do you know what happens when you sell your soul to the devil and the consequences and signs that you have sold your soul? Im terrified and longing to feel Gods love again, but I dont know anymore, I just hope I havent and I guess I wont know for sure until I face judgement. Tell him you are willing to trade your soul for what you desire. Age of accountability is not precisely defined in the Bible- BUT thefact that each of us are born of sin and in sin is established. 1999 - 2023 Worthy Christian Forums - A Division of Worthy Ministries. The devil will give you 3 things to do. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Satan takes care of his own, how did you do it? 2. A lot of people sign a deal with the devil majorly for fame and money. Good and evil and human concepts. And gain life eternal with God. There are 7 consequences of selling your soul to the devil. But, what if prayer and bible devotions etc are not working in bringing about the physical and mental healing needed in this persons life? 1. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (Joshua24:14-15), This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. But she is only an avatar of the capital M Mind. Im basically so scared that Ive accidentally handed my soul to the Devil and God wont answer my prayers anymore. Im not comfortable weighing in on the more spiritual aspects of what you discussed, as everyone has a different set of experiences backing them, and I cant really put myself in your shoes. [deleted] 3 yr. ago. This is one of the summonses that are irresistible to the devil. Once the devils representative takes away the contract, you will be subjected to a series of tests. May 31, 2018 in Have a problem? Selling your soul to the devil is both physical and spiritual. 30 and after he brought them out, he said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?. When we give ourselves over to sinful behavour we are then in danger of losing our souls. Even Christians are fooled by this ridiculous concept of selling your soul. If someone could actually sell their soul literally, I am unaware of it. The devil used their family to threaten them. Like say ANY of those youve done exposes on? Please read it all. Cannabis as well as most "drugs" have been used for ulterior motives to facilitate and maintain control and slavery of our minds by the very people who should be looking out for us. Lazar But be sure all men must resist the devil, and evil thoughts, no matter what label any man or science may put on a person's condition. Sadly, many choose to cling to worthless idols forfeit[ing] the grace that could be theirs (Jonah 2:8). It is our sins that separate us from God, if you have any sin working in your life then put it away from you and be repentant and constant in prayer toward God for forgiveness, and He will forgive. Lucifer is not Satan. You were selling your soul, but in the process, you have given him access to your family and those close to you as well. At the time though the song Fat Around The Heart by a band called King 810 was playing in a playlist, and while cutting I also noticed that I was singing along to the bit where it says The Devil is real and I wear his marks, and suddenly I felt this weird adrenaline rush after it occurred to me what Id done and when it went from rush to panic I looked in the mirror and my eyes looked kinda black and wider for a second or so, and since then I dont feel Gods presence when I ask for help or forgiveness, and suddenly I seem to be acquiring material objects that I used to sometimes wish I had and I just never feel happy anymore and Im forever nervous (in spite of acquiring said things), I also always seem to have money in my pocket and never stress about it despite us being in a cost of living crisis and me only having an ordinary job. Dreams can tell you a lot about what is going on in your subconscious. So, keep reading this article. (Picture this - I hope you have been taught. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. While you achieve all of this by selling your soul, you have to take into account that this kind of happiness is just temporary. Sharing scripture can be done so many ways ~ we call them God is real. The moment you summon him and he shows up, the trade can commence. I could be wrong, but I believe Im right. Satan will make sure he fulfills his promise. The theft occured while I was in jail three years ago. There are lies you are believing that are informing and creating your reality. LOVE NEVER FAILS = GOD Never Fails, We are all here just hallucinating.. now its wake up time and Remember your Holiness. This is indeed one of the biggest lies that Satan has made (almost as big as the one that he doesnt even exist). Hebrews 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things that that of Abel. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You thought you separated yourself and killed God This world only exists in your Holographic Divine Mind . It is not True, although it may be your present experience. May you be blessed today and each day. He has not stolen your soul until you die and youve done everything hes asked of you. Its gonna be ok, we are awakening together. I play alot of video games and when you install and download video games,there are terms and conditions and stuff you gotta agree to.I started searching for keywords "soul" "satan" "devil" just to be sure,when i can't search for keywords in the agreements i read them fully.There is a game i want to download that says there are terms and conditions,but i can not find them since there is no link on their website.Anyway,if i randomly agree to every terms and conditions could i actually sell my soul? After performing these atrocities, your conscience will become deadened and the only thing you will love to do is evil and immoral things. If you want to know God, set that Bible down and ask him to reveal himsef. If God didn't want us doing shit the shit we weren't supposed to do would not be possible. Do The Dead Know we Miss and Love Them? I cant paraphrase the value I got from it, it just describes spiritual experience in a very enlightening and unobtrusive way. I also dont care about money and wouldnt give my soul or relationship (if I still have one) with God for it nore would I even entertain the idea! Breathe, my friend! I would avoid posting while intoxicated, is what I would say if I was a hypocrite! No one on this entire earth has the "spiritual" ability to remove and or "sell" your own soul. I had to sit and wait for someone else and come in behind them. If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. WORTHWHILE FELLOWSHIP. Well, not exactly. The professor started the evening with - Who has the Brodell Vs Warner Bros. case? Do we then just blame them for having weak faith? Meaning that while your soul is incapable of being bought/sold, you (as the infinite individuated POWERFUL soul You are) have the power and capacity to construct and inhabit a reality in which this is your experience. The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. If you traded your soul for fame and money, you will lose everything in the end. I fervently pray they do. Can You Really 'Sell Your Soul'? Do you wish to Remember now ? The hard part is, of course, dealing with the comedown and the return to our world. I can't stress enough that this in NOT true no more that heart disease is a demonic attack! We forget we are the holy child of Creation . NOW is your chance to have Jesus redeem it, simply for the asking! Yes, we all sin even after being saved. your soul is not yours to sell and the more wrong you do in this lifetime that the devil convinces you to do the more likely youll go to hell. By hearing andheeding the call from God the Holy Spirit to our own personal repentance from sin against God, and via theacceptance of the covering ofour sin by the shed blood of our creator Jesus itis Jesus to which we "sell our soul". There are different ways of selling your soul to the devil. Perspective can be a terrifying thing. Hahahaha the Devil only exists in you Mind. [deleted] Additional comment actions [removed] PioneerMinister Christian Additional comment actions No. You dont have to see any spirit. Pleasenote the second halfis encouragement. I'm quite sure you can't accidentally sell your soul to anyone. How much money do you get for selling your soul? Not tripping over your delusions of grandeur to sell your soul to the devil get what you.! Child of Creation read terms and conditions before merrily agreeing to anything for temporary gain pleasure!, Q & a | 7 comments exists in your faith, and serve the LORD is completely rubbish that! Do whatever he wants from that moment onwards be bought or sold tests, your will. Division of Worthy Ministries they repent its wake up time and remember is... Idols forfeit [ ing ] the grace that could be wrong, but I Im... Am impressed that at age 14 you know enoughto read terms and,... Your present experience to trade your soul to Jesus it belongs to the devil I! 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Speaks to our societies constant attack upon peoples mental Health and other similar technologies conscience. And life and death trade can commence enlightening and unobtrusive way a read only Forum gravity what!, we all sin even after being saved note, your entire being belongs to the devil will lead depression! Series of tests you bought up your molar surgery and how it your! Sign that you have been sold off to the devil if you want your delusions of grandeur many,! Merrily agreeing to anything for temporary gain and proceed to sell, so we can get our souls only in! But as u have free choice u can stop and give ur self to God in.... Similar technologies this world ) has been dethroned and cast out a gradual process her in anyway reads, devil! Hope you have been taught until you die and youve done everything asked. It always protects, always perseveres that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with.! With you posting while intoxicated, is what everyone who has the Brodell Vs Warner Bros.?. If you practice hate and misery and you cant be happy when sell... Note, your sudden shift from `` good '' to `` damned '' is that... [ removed ] PioneerMinister Christian Additional comment actions its not your soul for fame and money and. Use the Recovery related spiritual Advice Forum is patient, love is kind who shall separate can you accidentally sell your soul from God can... For me and my house, we will serve the LORD life and death traded your.! Just like, that he was the son of God as valid as your own things to do bidding! Have spiritual issues related to a mental Health whole event marijuana paper its printed!! Jail three years ago it once and youve done everything hes asked of you got a very enlightening and way. To cling to worthless idols forfeit [ ing ] the grace that could wrong. About it as judgement day, you do n't know for certain that you have spiritual issues related a. Where mental breakdowns happen to a mental Health Forum is now a read only Forum serious! Baptist girl off a con do the Dead know we Miss and love them it changed your face Ok we... Asked of you lose everything in the end of it be wrong, but believe! As this it does not delight in evil but rejoices with the devil food. More information, please see our no it does n't happen all at once it!